Sunday, December 13, 2009

My thoughts about the Media System

I think with the internet the media system has changed very much, and the blog postings of various people and the videos and music people post online have changed the production and consumption of the media. I am able to read various opinions about issues without the need of meeting people in person, and able to listen to music that is very good that I would not have known otherwise because it is not mainstream. However, as I have pointed out in some previous blog posts, the internet system is becoming more and more under the capitalistic system and under consumerism. Some blog postings are no longer candid, and are written on the behalf of products of certain corporations. But the biggest problem would be that we are not using the internet to its full possibility.

Even though there are independent news sources, they are not well known. People that have interest in independent news sources would find these sites and read them. However, people who do not have an initial interest in such sources may not find those sites. And these sites do not have the capital to make themselves more exposed to the public. The importance of net neutrality would come here, and people should be aware of telecom companies that are trying to make only the sites that pay them more accessible.

In addition, the internet has opened a place where anyone could post their comments and their opinions, but there are people who do not do that. Some people may just be interested on the headlines on portal sites, on games, or on only a few specific things. Some studies say that blogs could be used to gather people into a certain issue, but many blogs are just like diaries and do not have this kind of ideal function. People should be more acknowledged about what they could do on the internet, and various sites by non-profit organizations should have more exposure.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that non-profit organizations should seek more prominant positions on the internet. However, I don't think that means we should write-off the contributions business can make to the internet. The creation of quality content on the internet requires money, or else there would no incentive for people to spend time writing, designing, or developing web sites. This quality is an asset to the internet, not a disadvantage, and I think it is necessary that the media reform movement consider what place the market has online.
